paul vidal - thoughts about tech and more


Why data driven companies should stop investing in data analytics

by paul 0 Comments
Why data driven companies should stop investing in data analytics

Despite the blatantly click-baitish and oxymoronic nature of the title of this post might lead you to believe, I actually have a point that I think is worth expressing (which I suppose is the reason I write any post, really). As it is often the case, this point is coming from an accumulation of real-life situations I encounter at my job. A lot of my work consist in rapidly enabling access to data to which companies have a really hard time accessing and distributing it in a very efficient big data architecture. The funny thing is, when I go to a customer and tell them that they will get access to all this data within a few days timeframe, they are either unprepared as to what to do with this data. Indeed, they (and we as an industry) have been focusing so much on the integration and exposure of data that we forgot to think about the value it can bring us. What’s the use case everyone think of when their data access is enabled? Analytics. “We’ll use [Name your favorite BI tool] to build dashboards and gain insight. This, to me, is incomplete and extremely short-sighted.

How analytics became synonym with Big Data

Before I dive into the reasons I suddenly want to make a good chunk of the big data industry hate me, let me try to express how we got to equate the term big data, or data in general with Business Intelligence or analytics. Note that I am trying to describe trends here; I am aware that there are outliers to these trends. With this said, and now that I have a license to express completely unverified facts since I apologized in advance, here is what I observed. When databases were first created, they were an enablement layer for software. We just needed a way to store data more efficiently in order for you application to run faster. Eventually, data changed from being a necessary evil to being a source of value. Indeed, once we realized that every activity that we engage in involves a piece of software, the data piece entrenched in each and every of these pieces of software became the best way to understand our own (and our users’) behavior. This is the advent of data warehouses, and BI tools. Then we realized there was a lot of data (I think the technical term is a shit ton), so we started developing big data lakes. In this transition, big data primary use became what data warehouses were used for: data analytics.

The death of dashboards

However, data analytics is only a very small percentage of the data use cases. Remember, data layers were design to enable applications, not showing you what they contain. Yes, dashboards and graphics are pretty but what is their goal? Their goal is to give you an idea on what whoever interacts with your software is doing in order to design solutions to palliate to the problems you find. Somehow however, analytics became a finality. Companies spend an insane amount of investment to achieve data analytics. This is extremely misguided. To be fair, part of the reason why analytics are a finality is a product of the limitation of data lakes, but that’s another topic.

Using data pro-actively

Solving the data integration, consolidation, distribution and exposure problem is not easy but it is being solved (I can tell that with confidence since I am on the front of that battle every day, though I would not say I put my life in danger every day, so that battle analogy stops here). My advice is to think beyond analyzing the data as a use case once you are able to have access to it. Instead of trying to identify trends, think about how to change them. Instead of trying to build an individualized snapshot of your customer, think about what action you should take based on that snapshot. Instead of getting a consolidated view of all of your systems, think about how to better orchestrate data flows between these systems to minimize the need for consolidation. I am purposely not listing specific examples, because they require a deep industry expertise which is not what I am trying to highlight here (my expertise being in data, not a specific industry). So, next time you are confronted with someone building a dashboard, ask yourself: why? why am building BI on top of my data? is BI going to give me insight on a problem to solve? if so, what is that problem? Once you have the answer to that question, try to build a platform that identifies and solves that problem rather than a platform that only allows you to identify it.

The Big Data market in 2017

by paul 0 Comments
The Big Data market in 2017
Buildings always look badass from the ground and with a black and white filter

Accepting reality is not trivial. As we sit in our echo-chambers, particularly exacerbated by our social networks, preference algorithms and suggested searches, our cognitive biases betray our picture of the world around us. Add that to the fact that everyone else than us is an idiot with whom we should not engage in a conversation (or if you prefer, call this mild social anxiety), and pretty soon you can convince yourself of anything. With this in mind, I decided to take the time today to expose my understanding of the reality of the big data market in 2017, for large entreprises. While it is inherently biased, arguably like any piece of writing, I did try to do my research reading a lot of white papers recently (of which you can find some reference below), but mostly, this is my domain of expertise which means I’m confronted to it every day. Of course, this categorization is subject to discussion and constructive criticism that I always welcome.

Out, or very little relevancy

  • Data Lakes: The fascination for unlimited data distribution has passed. Enterprises struggle to find a use to their data lakes and the layers written on top of them to make them useful seem too much effort for little reward.
  • Pure data analytics: The terms Data Analytics or Business Intelligence encapsulate a vast number of concepts that will always be useful one way or another in our data driven world. What is nowadays losing momentum is solutions making analytics the end goal (analyzing trends, population sub group preferences, etc.). BI is a very small portion of what Big Data offers and if the end goal of a solution is to give you trend analytics, it is too reductive.
  • SOA, ESBs, Convergent applications: This is been dead for a while but worth mentioning. The idea of a single convergent enterprise solution to encapsulate all data and functionalities is practically not feasible (too much market change, too much cost, too much complexity, too little agility).

Extremely relevant for 2017

  • Agile data platforms: At the opposite end of ESBs and massive consolidation into one data system is the micro-services architecture. The architecture enables extremely rapid and agile deployment of applications to respond to an ever changing market where end customers have more choices than ever and thus are very hard to retain. The bottleneck of micro-services architectures is often data. Being able to consolidate, cleanse and expose rapidly data to anywhere is a complicated proposition but some platforms can do it. If a platform is able to integrate from multiple sources, consolidate and expose data rapidly, then it enables today’s hottest use cases: digital transformation, agile test data management, micro-services implementation, and more.
  • Cloud enablement: More than ever, and despite previous reticense vis-a-vis security (just like older generations are still reluctant to use their credit card numbers on the web), the movement to cloud applications and platforms. Enabling the cloud, that is not only exposing/migrating data to cloud applications but also ensuring security, compliance and control over the data exposed is therefore a very important market trend.
  • Data Personalization: we live in a world where everyone expects their experience to be catered to them. Having to repeat your identity while being tossed from department to department on a help desk line is one of the most infuriating experience (after the complete loss of human rights and dignity one experiences in an airport). Seriously though, enabling the understanding of the individual is crucial, whether that individual is a person, a product or a machine in IoT use cases.

Not quite there yet

  • Predictive Individual Analytics: We already see some implementations of this in ad personalization or preference settings, but being able to predict what an entity (a person, a machine, a car, a product) will do, what it wants and needs is going to open the door to systems that give answer instead of respond to questions. It requires the problem of data personalization to be solved beforehand though.
  • Smart Data Discovery: Once agile data platforms are in place, the use-case of automated data mining will explode. Too many systems with too little experts on the systems will give birth to solution that’ll enable the enterprise to recover a fair percentage of the relevant data without human intervention.
  • Expert AI systems: Finally, and most exciting of all are expert AI systems. These are software that will replace the way that data is currently fed to our everyday software (CRM, machine monitoring, marketing analytics, etc.). The use cases are still not clear in my head but I know that finding the point where human intervention is the most costly (where it requires pattern recognition), and replacing it with automated AI will be a game changer.

Some references

  • Is the Cloud Secure? (Gartner): link
  • Marketing data management (Ascend2): link
  • Seizing the Digital Advantage in Banking and Financial Services (Cognizant): link
  • The Big data workbook (Informatica): link
  • Agile Test Data Management: The New Must-Have (Forrester): link

Data As A Microservice: the future of data architecture

by paul 0 Comments
Data As A Microservice: the future of data architecture

Let me preface this article with an understatement: sometimes, enterprise architecture can be complicated. Large companies run thousands of applications, multiplied by dozens of environments replicated for testing, user testing, sandboxing, accumulated over years of acquisitions, re-architecturing (yes, it is a word I made up), and experiments all with the purpose of driving business forward. Like any complex system, human beings have been trying to make sense out of it by conceptualizing models and architectures aimed at simplifying the system thus making it more efficient, robust, scalable, secure, and spiritually vertuous (OK, maybe not the last part, although can a piece of software be inherently virtuous? A question for another day). With all this in mind, I would like to take some time to reflect on one of these concepts: Micro-Services and how this concept can apply in the realm of data management.

Microservices VS Enterprise Service Bus

First introduced in 2011 during workshop of software architects held near Venice in May 2011, Microservice Architecture is defined by James Lewis as follows:

The term “Microservice Architecture” has sprung up over the last few years to describe a particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. While there is no precise definition of this architectural style, there are certain common characteristics around organization around business capability, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralized control of languages and data.

Microservice architecture is a subset of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), aiming at distributing microcomponents to deploy applications as opposed to a centralized application integraiton layer, often called Enterprise Integration Layer (EAI) or Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Leaving aside the obvious angry developer argument stating that all of this is marketing jargon and rebranding of the same products, it’s interesting to take note of a fundamental trend I covered before in this blog: enterprise are looking to implement agile enviroment, which extremely granular elements in order to ensure business reactivity. The dream of the all-integrated all-consolidated entreprise layer is fading.

Data As A Microservice

In a very similar manner, the idea of single source of truth containing all the enterprise data is coming to an end. And, unlike some data lakes proponents would like to make you believe, it is not because of the pitfalls of traditional technologies that can’t handle large volume of data or distribute it efficiently. Building a single centralized source of data is an utopia. Instead, companies are now shifting their focus towards platforms enabling rapid agnostic data integration, agile data schema modification, and complete distribution. These platforms can then be used in a microservice architecture, making them Data As A Microservice platforms. I’ll admit, I may have made that term up too because it sounds cool, but it is very important to note for you data vendor, data scientist or data consumer (CIOs and CTOs organization). The future of data microservice-like agility, not monolithic unification.


What is the most underrated aspect of software development and why is it measurability?

by paul 0 Comments
What is the most underrated aspect of software development and why is it measurability?

Designing and developing software is complicated. I have heard there might even be a full industry gathering experts in this domain, and that it could be doing well. Not sure if it will ever be a thing. All joking aside, theories about the optimum way to approach software development are numerous and constantly evolving, which is excellent. Today however, I want to talk about an underrated concept, especially within the realm of software development: measurability. Despite online dictionaries results, I’m pretty sure I just made up that word, or at least the concept attached to it vis-a-vis software development, so let me define it.

What do you mean by measurability and why should I care about it?

Within the realm of software development, measurability can be catalogued in the same category as other transversal high-level concepts, that must be considered at each and every step of the development process, such as user experience, performance, scalability, re-usability and security. Measurability in this sense is the idea that each and every feature of you develop for your software can be measured for popularity and efficacy in order to ultimately evaluate its necessity. That is a lot of y-ending words, which should have convinced you already. Hoping it didn’t, let me explain you why it is important to consider. First, I believe that the importance of these types of high-level concepts does not need further justification: we have all witnessed software failures when their development ignored one of these key concepts, security being the one making the front page most often. The impact of measurability is more subtle but nonetheless crucial. Without measurability, decisions you make about feature prioritization or design become irrational. For instance, if you are developing an API that contains multiple methods of access, if you are unable to measure their popularity or efficacy you will end up with either features that are being costly maintained for no benefits to your end user or features that are massively used by necessity but incrementally building your end user’s frustration. This is a very simple example but it illustrate an underlying notion that we rarely see in the world of zeros and one: irrationality. Indeed, a piece of software is usually extremely rational and quantifiable, which makes evaluating performance, scalability, security or even re-usability a relatively easy mathematical problem. With the advent of software popularization we see user experience has been on the forefront of Agile development, making customer feedback a key piece of feature release. What I am proposing here is to go one step further. Whenever developing a feature for your software, one should ask himself: how will I know if this feature is necessary or not? How will I test for it?

Implementing measurability

Implementing measurability acknowledges the fact that you are operating in an uncertain environment, which inherently makes its implementation uncertain. That being said, a good starting point is to measure its use and performance and then compare it to the other features you develop. This measurement and analysis can be done using trace or audit mechanisms, which, bonus, you should implement anyway to cater to security. A more robust approach would be to first select the metrics you want to measure for each software feature and have a dedicated module to implement measurability over those metrics. You may think it’s an overkill but with the advent of scalable and cheap storage, why not do it?

Beyond software development

Big Data, monitoring, analysis data science, all of these concepts are design to increase the world’s measurability, and they are definitely what everyone talks about now. And while the idea of being data driven in any aspect of our lives, from corporate management to personal fitness, it has yet to really make an impact within the realm of software development, or at least the tools dedicated to measurability only are scarce. That being said, making rational decisions does not seem to be as appealing to me as it is for the rest of the world, which could explain this scarcity.

Who decided that stored procedures should not be commented?

by paul 0 Comments
Who decided that stored procedures should not be commented?

I’ve been spending the past couple of weeks working on stored procedures. Glimpsing into my career so far, I realize how much stored procedures are the backbone of many organizations dealing with data. Stored procedures are something of a potpourri between magic behavior, bespoke black boxes, and the sedimentation of code layers accumulated over years of feature additions implemented by a battalion of sometimes well-intented PL/SQL programmers with tight deadlines. Furthermore, stored procedures, more than any other type of data manipulation, are what the actual live production systems rely upon. It is not uncommon for a piece of software to have hundreds of store procedures essential for it to work, and for good reason. Indeed, store procedures are extremely efficient. So much so that even unoptimized pieces of code harboring redundant test and an unreasonable amount of nested outer joins still run in a few milliseconds. Efficient they are. But you know what they are not? Commented. Seriously, the packages I worked with recently contain tens of thousands of lines of code but never contain more than 10 lines of comments, mostly containing something along the lines of “– 10/10/2014 added by Jay” or “– requirement R3045”. And as far as I can remember, relying solely on my flawed memory and anecdotal evidence, this is the case with the vast majority of stored procs. Therefore, after I spending some time curved into a ball crying, I asked myself: “why?”.

Common consensus about commenting code

Childishly, I first assumed that every piece of code should be commented, and the only reason for not commenting code would be laziness/lack of time/lack of understanding/hatred for whomever would read your code in the future. I was obviously misguided as one often is when assuming anything to be simple. Indeed, they are many times when commenting renders your code less readable, or is an excuse for bad coding. This article in particular, Common Excuses Used To Comment Code and What To Do About Them does an excellent job at highlighting when commenting is sub-optimal:

The code is not readable without comments. Or, when someone (possibly myself) revisits the code, the comments will make it clear as to what the code does. The code makes it clear what the code does. In almost all cases, you can choose better variable names and keep all code in a method at the same level of abstraction to make is easy to read without comments.

    We want to keep track of who changed what and when it was changed. Version control does this quite well (along with a ton of other benefits), and it only takes a few minutes to set up. Besides, does this ever work? (And how would you know?)
    I wanted to keep a commented-out section of code there in case I need it again. Again, version control systems will keep the code in a prior revision for you – just go back and find it if you ever need it again. Unless you’re commenting out the code temporarily to verify some behavior (or debug), I don’t buy into this either. If it stays commented out, just remove it.
    The code too complex to understand without comments. I used to think this case was a lot more common than it really is. But truthfully, it is extremely rare. Your code is probably just bad, and hard to understand. Re-write it so that’s no longer the case.
    Markers to easily find sections of code. I’ll admit that sometimes I still do this. But I’m not proud of it. What’s keeping us from making our files, classes, and functions more cohesive (and thus, likely to be smaller)? IDEs normally provide easy navigation to classes and methods, so there’s really no need to scan for comments to identify an area you want to work in. Just keep the logical sections of your code small and cohesive, and you won’t need these clutterful comments.
    Natural language is easier to read than code. But it’s not as precise. Besides, you’re a programmer, you ought not have trouble reading programs. If you do, it’s likely you haven’t made it simple enough, and what you really think is that the code is too complex to understand without comments.

Why this consensus does not apply to stored procedures

As much as these arguments make sense I don’t think they apply to store procedures:

    “you can choose better variable names and keep all code in a method at the same level of abstraction”: You can’t easily change table fields and names, nor can you cut a big nested SQL statement gracefully.
    “Version control does this quite well”: Version control is almost never implemented for stored procedures.
    “I wanted to keep a commented-out section of code there in case I need it again.”: OK, that’s just BS.
    “[complex code] is extremely rare.”: Nested SQL queries are inherently complex and MUCH less readable than traditional code.
    “Markers to easily find sections of code.”: I never saw a problem with that.
    “you ought not have trouble reading programs”: Except queries are the opposite of natural language. Please, please, please SQL developer, let me know why you are doing this particular join

To summarize, I still don’t understand why stored procedures are generally not commented, while it would seem they are the type of code that could benefit the most from comments. Maybe NoSQL will change this, but in the meantime, I will start this crusade, and make sure people explain their code, yo!

You should not try to be more productive

by paul 0 Comments
You should not try to be more productive
Coffee, a gift from the gods

You should not try to be more productive

Sometimes, my job requires long hours to meet impossible deadlines. I think that this is a situation with which many people can empathize. So much so that the self help industry is riddled with recipes to optimize your work habits, and become more productive. Leaving aside the overwhelming pseudoscientific nature of most of the self-help industry, productivity has become a market. Apps, website, gurus, all working to make you work better and more efficiently. Here what I think: trying to be productive is counter productive.

Where the productivity industry fails

If you start diving into productivity advice, you will start to have the feeling that productivity is like a cauldron. A cauldron that accumulates anyone’s latest advice concoction, no mater its origin. Want to be more productive? Eat Kale. Listen to music with a tempo accelerated by 5%. Take notes on paper because it sticks in your memory better. Do adult coloring. Play brain training apps that have no scientific backup what so ever. Always reach inbox zero or always make sure that you have at least 10000 emails unread. Anything goes. Anything will make you more productive. In hindsight, fantasizing about being more productive is a great way to procrastinate. To be perfectly transparent, I’m guilty of having read a lot of these articles in my days. OK, literally (in its proper sense) a few months ago. I could argue that I was just reading them for entertainment but I’m more honest than that. I get fooled often, which is why I have a lot to write about. Take a step back on these productivity advice, and I think you will reach the same conclusion as I do: most of them are a mix of unproven facts, common sense and non applicable pieces of advice that take away actual productive time.

What I do instead

But Paul, does that mean that we are doomed to be as efficient as we are today with no improvement route what so ever? Yes. Also, life has no meaning. But that’s besides the point. Of course, there is always room for improvement. So here is what I suggest to do instead of trying to be productive: 1. Prioritize. 2. Execute. That’s it. Prioritizing is a necessary evil but should not be taking too much of time. The best way to do it is to do it on small chunks, like an everyday to do list. Most of the time should be spent on executing however. Once I’m executing something, I never think twice about the priority. This is why I run every day without ever thinking of what I could do instead. It is on my list, I have to do it, so I do it. I do not think that going any deeper than this has any value, really. Just list what you need to do, and do the things. It’s important to note that sometimes, due to lack of time of ever unpredictable facts of life, execution fails. This just means that another prioritizing cycle needs to happen.

After thoughts

As many of my less technical posts, this article is obviously an opinion piece. The reason I started this blog in the first place is to share things I learned throughout my career without anyone spelling it out simply to me. It is not aimed to be definitive, since my opinions are prone to change, but instead is aimed at provoking conversations and trigger perhaps more thorough scrutiny and even scientific evaluation of the methods of productivity. It would be interesting to dive into this subject, but unfortunately for me, my tasks are prioritized, and this is not one of them, so…. back to work!

On the simplicity of experts systems

by paul 0 Comments
On the simplicity of experts systems

Today I want to share with you an unfinished thought. Perhaps because I have been working non stop all week, perhaps because people keep complaining about apple correct strategy of fleshing out their devices’ design (remember how everyone complained when they removed the CD player?), or perhaps because I’m not sure I ever will reach a satisfying definite answer on the matter. At any rate, here is the question: what’s the optimal ratio simplicity/features of experts software systems?

The state of the art

If you’ve ever been in contact with someone who has to use a computer system beyond browsing the web or desperately trying to string 1000 words together the night the essay is due, i.e. had to work with any software at all from point of sale retail, to graphic design passing by cloud CRMs, you will notice a common thread: that piece of software is awful. These complaints usually boil down to one of these three categories: the software is either buggy, too complicated to use or missing functionalities. Leaving aside the unstable aspect inherent to the current process of software development, the other categories seem to be two ends of the same spectrum. And this is what keeps me up at night. Probably for 30 seconds, then it’s my kids crying.

Developing software in a customer is king world

Having worked for years for B2B software providers, where sales cycles are long, requirements are complex and clients must be satisfied, I can tell you that most of these pieces of software require training in order to be used to their full potential (which in part drives the sales through maintenance and support costs). In this world, roadmaps always add functionalities, new modules and new ways to customize a product. Ultimately, this renders the sales, delivery and support extremely complex (and why I have a job).

A new era of software delivery

However, in the recent years we have seen a new development with Software As A Service. Companies are limited to the SaaS current version’s functionalities. Because of the effectiveness of the cloud sales model and the centralized maintenance of these pieces of software it is much easier for software publishers to prioritize, consolidate and even drop features according to what clients are actually using. With SaaS, customization is often out of the question. Yet, more and more companies are moving to software as a service and have clear initiatives to simplify their current eco-system.

My dilemma

First, since when did dilemma lose its ‘n’? I digress. In all seriousness, and as I argued before I do believe that simplicity is key to software success. Thus, when do you decide to add functionalities to your software to respond to market demand? How do you ensure that this addition is not only relevant but it also does not throw away your user experience, brand and sales process? Ultimately, I think that finding this balance is really more art than science. And this is always going to bug my extremely rational mind.

Choosing the correct DBMS – Gartner Reprint review

by paul 0 Comments
Choosing the correct DBMS – Gartner Reprint review
What do you mean my speed isn't linearly scalable?

If you haven’t had the chance to look at it yet, I encourage you to read this gartner reprint: Critical Capabilities for Operational Database Management Systems. This report is extremely interesting if you’re into data at all. I’m in too deep, so I’m going to talk about this report for the whole length of this marvelous post.

The importance of specific use-cases

The first thing that jumped out to me, was that Gartner uses the word DBMS Gartner, thus highlights the fact that the dichotomy between traditional relational database management systems and what has been labelled “NoSQL” is fading out. Instead, Gartner advises to “Classify the use cases under consideration and map them to the costs, deployment options and skills requirements of the products evaluated here.”. This is extremely important and a departure from some of the preconceptions I witness amongst my fellow professionals. Often enough, I get confronted with consultants trying to categorize DBMS by capabilities (distribution capabilities, support of languages, etc.). More importantly, these platforms are marketed through those capabilities. As I argued before, and confirmed by this report, end users, consultants and software provides alike should select, recommend and market according to the use-cases at which they excel instead of the capabilities inherent to a specific platform (see previous post: The importance of specialization in software sales).

Evaluation criteria

But enough surrendering to my own confirmation biases in order to pat myself on the back and delude myself into thinking that my observations may be going in the same direction as Gartner’s. The report evaluates different vendors (selected themselves base on the set of Inclusion Criteria), using the following criteria:

  • High-Speed Ingest and Processing
  • ACID Support
  • Tunable Consistency
  • Multimodel Support
  • Automated Data Distribution
  • Cloud/Hybrid Deployment
  • Programmability for HTAP
  • Administration and Management
  • Security
  • These criteria are then weighted according to four different use cases:

  • Traditional Transactions
  • Distributed Variable Data
  • Lightweight Events and Observations
  • Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP)
  • I’m not going to spend time describing the criteria, Gartner put up very readable charts to compare the different vendors. In short, it seems that Oracle is leading the traditional transaction world while DataStax is leading the distributed one. On a personal note, I’m super excited for DataStax, I get to work with many members of their team and the company I am working for leverages their solution, so it’s excellent recognition.

    I would however perhaps have had another two criteria: integration ecosystem and cost. Regarding the latter, I would have created two sets of charts: one considering the cost and one not considering it. Of course, I understand cost is a delicate and fluctuant subject and I understand Gartner’s decision. Integration ecosystem however is very important. Being able to evaluate how easy it is to integrate and use data once it is in these DBMS is extremely important when making an architecture choice.

    Personal Conclusion

    I’m always impressed by the conciseness of Gartner reports. This one does not fail in that regard, and gives a very good basis to one evaluating data management systems. That being said, and to make sure that horse is dead, think of your use-case before going for an RFP. Many DBMS can do many things, but few excel at all use-cases.

    3 essential features of the perfect software

    3 essential features of the perfect software
    Hi Mark. John left the company 3 months ago. Can you help us find a bug in his code? It is somewhere in this file.

    I have recently been thinking quite a bit about what make a piece of software successful. Very early in my career, I got to temper my idealistic view of computer science and the world in general, quite well captured by the saying “you don’t have to be the best to be the first”. As I progress in my professional journey, I have been trying to identify key aspects that make a software go head and shoulders above their competitors or see a exponential growth in a niche of the market not exploited at the time. While it is most likely impossible to find the 3 magic words you have to pronounce to make the perfect software appear, I am still going to pretend I did this, for web traffic purposes, because I have no integrity. All bad humor aside, and for the sake of readability, I did try to funnel my thinking into 3 major aspects which, combined, are a successful piece of software. Quick aside: the purpose of this piece is not to dive into what technical aspect of a piece of software is valuable, but rather to present the software features to which the market responds positively. With that out of the way, let me present you the current state of my cogitation: the perfect software is:



    Simplicity is essential for the end-user to open their eyes. While the algorithms, architecture and other under-the-hood building blocks can and will most likely be complex, the idea here is to present something that is simple to understand. Simplicity can be driven by multiple factors. It could be for instance the front end of your application. This is why UI/UX is such a sought-after skill, and while it is predominant in the B2C industry it is severely underused in the B2B world. It could also be driven by the product packaging. If building a platform with many potential uses, packaging them into specific solutions recognized by the industry is a fair way to achieve simplicity. It could also be targeted: focusing on solving the problems of one vertical for instance.


    This characteristic is epitomized by the success of cloud computing. Software As A Service particularly is the perfect example of non-intrusiveness being a successful business model: end users do not want to have to install and maintain software. It is an obvious cost reduction feat for big enterprises, it is just as much a reality for consumers: no one wants to have to install a software on their computer, and the ones we do install are the ones we hate the most (he who had no complaint about Microsoft Word cast the first stone). Even more interesting, web software like appointment booking, ticket sales and so on are considered websites and not pieces of software, but I digress. That being said, and as I argued as early as last week, SaaS isn’t the only model and non-instrusiveness can be characterized by other traits. Backward compatibly or maintenance of current set of existing skills and application is a great way to ensure a non intrusive model. One of the reason why I think disruption is nonsense, see previous rant.


    Being simple and non-intrusive are essential qualities, but your software must actually do something in order to be valuable. The important question here is: what’s in it for your user? What is the value? And I don’t think that a value proposition such as “we are doing it better than the others” is enough, nor is “imagine what you could do with that”. You need to be able to be able to show tangible results right off the bat, drive your customer through a story of what they will be able to do now that they weren’t able to do before. This feature is in my opinion one of the hardest and most often forgotten feature for a software to possess, especially put in relation with the other two. Indeed, innovation while maintaining non-intrusiveness could be seen as an oxymoron. In reality, the perfect unique innovative actionable value that of which no one thought before does not exist. That being said, many tech companies today start by building technical prowesses instead of focusing on creating value. My recommendation is to think about the value first, then focus on making the solution simple and non-intrusive, which is ironically why this article is written in the opposite order.


    Can a piece of software truly possess all these qualities fully? Probably not, but at I think it is at least an ideal to strive for. As mentioned awkwardly at the beginning of this article, this is also a very preliminary assessment of my thought process. I do believe that if a piece of software possess a good balance of theses 3 features, it is set for success. More importantly, I think that these features should drive the development of new softwares. I know that I have a few ideas about what to develop, and I’m going to make sure to keep that in mind.

    Should all your data move to the cloud?

    by paul 0 Comments
    Should all your data move to the cloud?

    I recently on multiple occasions engaged into conversations about whether or not Fortune 500 organizations are ready to move all their data to the cloud. While I’m not arguing about the benefits of distributed systems, I did encounter a significant number of organizations that are not ready to move to a SaaS model. Despite the obvious security reasons, I think it is an maintaining control over the core of your business to drive innovation is crucial (see Telsa example). Furthermore, many organizations’ strategy seem to be going towards build IaaS/PaaS and eventually SaaS within their own IT. These tendencies lead me to believe the dichotomy between SaaS and traditional in-house implementation isn’t absolute. Therefore, the market will see the advent of solutions enabling control over internal data while leveraging SaaS functionalities.

    Since I work for a company offering one of these solutions, I wrote a white paper about it, so here it. Enjoy the read!
